We need your support to secure the long-term future of the StoryDome. We seek to build strategic alliances and funding that will give Dome stories a global reach and bring about greater community engagement, locally and bio-regionally.
Please Help us to:
Build Capacity-
We seek investments for next-generation technology upgrades to enhance our storytelling capacity and immersive-learning offerings.
Produce New Stories-
We seek artisitic alliances, resources, and funding to develop, produce, and promote new compelling stories.
Engage Communities-
We seek strategic funding and alliances with community leaders and multiple stakeholders to pioneer an interconnected, sustainable bioregion.
Inspire Your Team-
We seek opportunities to work with you, weaving content and process together to generate conversations that matter.
Print this Donation Card and mail to:
NewStories/StoryDome PO Box 1059 Freeland, WA 98249
As in a Living Universe, every part contributes to creating and sustaining the whole.
Write a check:
Make check payable to New Stories with StoryDome in the memo line, and send to the address below.
We gratefully receive donations through Paypal. Paypal Donations
Automatic Bank Transfers:
Set up regular payments with your bank. Call for bank routing info.
Stock Donations:
Stock Donations made to Account#6471447216 ar Edward Jones POB 582 Freeland, WA 98249 Attn: Richard Davis (360) 331-4450
Thank you for your generosity!
Email info@storydome.org with your donation amount and payment preference and we will contact you with more info. Mail your donation, with “StoryDome” noted on the check, to:
PO Box 1059 Freeland, WA
NewStories is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization
Federal Tax ID #91-2038316